Congratulations to McNair Academic HS student



McNair Academic HS student, Dinu Antonescu will be 1 of 18 high schoolers nationwide to represent the United States of America in Brazil via the Youth Ambassadors Program, a program which is fully funded by the U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

The goal of the Youth Ambassadors Program is to foster understanding among high school students by growing leadership abilities, and preparing young people to make a difference in their communities.

By attending the program, Dinu Antonescu will have the opportunity to fully immerse himself in Brazilian culture, interact with locals, and learn about the country's history, language, customs, and traditions. While in Brazil, Dinu will participate in a variety of events, workshops, and activities, aimed at fostering global understanding and connections amongst young people from different countries. Throughout the course of the program, Dinu will participate in community service projects with local organizations and perform volunteer work that solve social issues or promote the development of the locations he visits. He will receive training in teamwork, cross cultural communication, public speaking, and other skills that will enhance his capacity to be a productive leader and global citizen. Dinu will present a project to the US Embassy at the conclusion of the program, which he will put into effect for nine months upon his return to Jersey City in order to help the community
