MS4 Students Win C-Span

Congratulations  to two students of Frank R. Conwell Middle School 4 who received an Honorable Mention in this year's C-SPAN StudentCam competition. 
Here is their winning documentary:
The C-SPAN event held at the school focused on the achievements of Simran Marwaha and Gwenyth Friedman and their Social Studies teacher, Mr. Frank DeStefano, who initiated the project with his students.  The students' documentary focused on the heavily debated topic of gun control and the effects of gun violence in schools.  The students met with school-shooting survivors, politicians, and media personalities to aid in their research and develop their documentaries.  In addition to C-SPAN official Pam McGorry, Simran and Gwenyth were honored by Mayor Fullop's office, Senator Corey Booker, and Congressman  Robert Menendez.
Sen. Booker's statement :
"Congratulations Simran and Gwenyth! I’m so excited to see you and Frank R. Conwell Middle School #4 earn
this recognition for your documentary. Your dedication to this issue and the moral clarity you exhibit in the video
are inspiring and should push all of us — from everyone in this room to your elected representatives, like me —
to fight for change that makes us all safer."
To learn more about the project, please see: 
Miss Marwaha and Miss Friedman also were acknowledged for their "Behind the Scenes" Photo. 